Successful September - Sally Currell (Engagement and MLS Lead)
So here we are again, summer holidays seem but a distant memory and the autumn term has started with a bang! The Reception children seem so small but eagerly arrive each morning clasping their book bag and water bottle, the Year One’s suddenly seem so grown up and the confidence is oozing from Year Two as they realise they are now the oldest pupils in Key Stage One and are keen to look after the youngest ones.
September arrives and there is always so much to do, no matter how much preparation you did at the end of the summer term, or indeed throughout the holidays. I always find that September goes by in a flash as children and staff settle into new classes, new routines and new timetables whilst the weather is usually better than it was throughout the holidays!
With so much going on, getting phonics started straight away may seem like a chore, but the very best progress can be made when phonics is up and running straight away. Getting back into the routines of the SSP and getting EYFS started on their phonics journey must be the priority of every Reading Leader and teacher.
Despite all your other roles and responsibilities, as a Reading Leader checking in with staff to ensure they have what they need will be valued by your team. Are their resources organised and ready with charts on the wall, sound and word cards prepared – having checked for any missing items from last year that children may have posted in the washing machine in the home corner or taken home so they can play teachers! I find having some spares readily available is invaluable. It makes such a difference to be able to solve a resource issue straight away.
If you are the phonics lead then getting your phonics and reading team together early on is important, not just to iron out any questions or concerns and set out expectations for the term and year but to establish that team ethos around all things phonics and early reading. Is everyone on the same page? What do staff need? Are they confident with groupings, arrangements, timings, rooms, resources? So many variables come in to play and clarifying these early on makes for a smother start for everyone. Sharing or revisiting the expectations early on is crucial – do all staff know what is expected of their group or class at each assessment point? Any updates from your SSP need to be shared, keeping track of updates from the online platform or Newsletter is essential to ensure you and your team stay on track. The teamwork starts here, with all members accessing updates, sharing and supporting each other.
If you are leading on phonics then visiting phonics lessons straight away is crucial to ensure consistency, high standards and to support new members of staff. If there is an issue with groupings or pupils not keeping up, then all staff need to feel empowered to step in and intervene. Remember this is a team and everyone working together and supporting each other will ensure the very best outcomes.
We need to ensure that everyone has high expectations of our pupils, we all want the very best for them and we all want them to become confident, enthusiastic, fluent readers. This journey starts from Day 1 of Reception – there is no time to lose.
Remember this is a Reading Team, you can’t do this alone – there is no I in Team!
Here’s to a successful September for you all, and don’t forget if you have any questions about September phonics or anything else to do with phonics, reading or oracy, we are always happy to help!