Starting a Blog - Jodie Matthews (Strategic Lead)
Recently I was invited to present at a Hub National Event on the Roade English Hubs marketing strategy, and I had the opportunity to work with Lucy, the Hub Lead at St Wilfreds English Hub. Lucy is a really inspirational Hub Lead and after looking at their blog and enjoying reading their updates I thought it would be great to do something similar. Our blog will be written by a member of the Hub team, not always by me, and will cover a range of topics and aim to answer questions that we often get asked. The Hub team consists of a team of Literacy Specialists with a range of teaching and leadership backgrounds, all with an extreme passion for reading and teaching children to read and love reading. I just know that you will find their blogs interesting and informative. Please do share our blog and information about the Hub with other teachers and schools that you know. It's unbelievable how many schools haven't claimed their funding or received any support yet.
Just in case you have stumbled across this and you don't know much about us, Roade English Hub is one of 34 English Hubs across the country supporting schools with reading, phonics, oracy and reading for pleasure. We hold funding from the DFE which we give to schools to support them with early reading. Schools can receive up to £6000 and there is absolutely no catch! We also run free courses and provide support to schools. We really would love it if you joined us! We really do have something for every school. All you have to do it go to our website and fill out a self referral form, we sort out everything else!
I hope that you enjoy our blogs, and I hope you consider getting in touch if you haven't done so already.